Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Mariah came home from her mission in Japan on
Oct.11,2014. It was so good to have her home.

Marian and Grandma Fern

Tom, Mariah and Sherry

Mariah's  grandparent's

Sid, Fern and Mariah
Jonny, Mariah and her Uncle Shane
Karrie, Riley, Mariah and Troy, Karrie and Troy went to Japan to bring Mariah home 0n the 3ed. of October 2014

Sid and Mariah

Tom, Sid, Sherry and Riley welcome home Mariah!

Monday, August 22, 2016

Shane flew us to Phoenix to visit Ron and Nancy, we left Tack Air on the 17th. of September and returned on the 19th. What a fun trip, now I know how the rich and famous fly. Thanks to Shane, what a great son he is!
Sid and Fern in the jet.

Mother and her son Shane

This is the life I that I love.
Fern and Nancy

Seeing the sights of Phoenix, Sid, Ron and Nancy
Nancy and Fern

This is the plane we flew in to Phoenix, it was so so great. 

Ron, Fern, Nancy and Sid on the tarmac.

Shane  the Captain